You Matter: Ask, Care, Treat: A Suicide Awareness Campaign

We can save lives, we can make a difference. These conversations matter. Mental health matters.

Marlon: Message to Men who Feel Suicidal

The suicide rate for men has historically been much higher than for women, which can be attributed in part to men feeling uncomfortable with expressing their emotions.

As a man who has lost two of his male friends to suicide, Marlon urges men who feel suicidal or depressed to talk about these feelings to someone, instead of keeping it bottled up and continuing to suffer in silence. He insists that opening up about feelings does not make men weak, but instead shows great strength, and can make all the difference in the world to their mental health.

“If we actually reach out and speak about it, it doesn’t make us less than, or less of a man.”

Suicide Prevention Amalgamation Video

A four-minute feature of citizens around the country and mental health professionals sending words of encouragement and inspiration to citizens who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. We address common thoughts that persons who are suicidal may have: “I don’t matter”, “I’m not good enough”, “things will never get better”.

In order of appearance:

  • Candice A, founder, #NotOkay
  • Kenycia Doyle, member of #NotOkay
  • Andy Himself, music producer and DJ
  • Kyle, veterinarian
  • Caron Asgarali, activist, speaker, and founder, Project R.A.R.E.
  • Colony, music producer and DJ
  • Nadine Ali, blogger at
  • Asad Ali, writer
  • Reycine McKenzie, Psychologist
  • Dr. Gerard Hutchinson, head of Psychiatric Services at Mt. Hope
  • Ashley, sexual assault survivor

Reycine McKenzie (Psychologist): If You Feel Like You're Not Good Enough

Not feeling good enough and lack of self-love are major contributing factors to depression and suicidal thoughts. Clinical psychologist, Reycine, offers reframing thoughts to anyone who feels like they’re not good enough, such as: “I am enough, inherently” that can make a big difference to someone feeling that way.

Andy Himself: To Other Artists Feeling Depressed and Discouraged

Hard economic times, lack of professional success or financial independence or stability can drive people to a very low point emotionally. Andy Himself, a local music producer who also suffers with depression, gives hope and encouragement to other persons, artists in particular, who are struggling to keep hope and to keep moving forward.

“Great things take time”.

Della: message to people who know someone who is suicidal

Knowing how to properly support someone who is suicidal and knowing what things are not okay to say to that person can mean the difference between life and death. Della, someone who has personally struggled with suicidal thoughts, explains how we can help save the lives of those who are suicidal.

Della: Why people feel suicidal

Knowing how to properly support someone who is suicidal and knowing what things are not okay to say to that person can mean the difference between life and death. Della, someone who has personally struggled with suicidal thoughts, explains how we can help save the lives of those who are suicidal.

Kenycia Suicide Prevention Message

A refresher on some of the signs to look for that someone is suicidal, which may just save someone’s life. This message also, importantly, is directed towards anyone who is helping someone suicidal or with a mental condition, to look after themselves, as being a carer can be very difficult.

Marlon: Suicide in Men

Suicide rates have historically been higher for males than for females. This is due largely in part to men being forced not to express their feelings so as not to be perceived as “less of a man”. Stifling emotions and being told to “man up” leads men to be unable to express to anyone their feelings of depression, sadness, and pain. Marlon, who has personally lost two of his male friends to suicide, urges people to allow men to express emotions, allow men to be vulnerable, and to have an outlet for their pain, as the price of not allowing them to do so is too high.

Dr. Gerard Hutchinson: Patience, Forgiveness and Gratitude

Dr. Gerard Hutchinson is Professor of Psychiatry at UWI and head, Psychiatric Services, NCRHA. Here he offers advice to persons in the form of advocating for patience, understanding and gratitude as three pillars that can help us overcome our struggles.

Marlon: Pay Attention to Cries for Help on Social Media

People who are suicidal make a lot of cries for help on social media that we ignore. If we could take these cries for help more seriously, we could achieve early intervention and reduce the high rates of suicide. In this video, Marlon implores us to take these cries for help seriously and engage the people who make them, and gives examples of what these could look like.

Karline: Comments on Social Media

These comments are #notokay to say to people who are suicidal, and can actually drive people closer to the act. Our response towards people opening up about their suicidal thoughts can make a big difference, and our tendency to call it “attention-seeking”, or “selfish”, or to make jokes about it, causes a lot more pain to someone suicidal.

Carissa Nanan- Things that are #notokay to say to someone who is suicidal

Carissa, founder of The SouthMindTT, lost five people in her life to suicide. These things are not okay to say to someone suicidal, and we have to be more compassionate and kind when we speak to persons who are struggling with suicidal thoughts.